Typographic voice and visual narrative.

  • Typographic & Visual Experiments

  • Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Indesign, Integrated Materials

The Story of Lady Gaga is a work I completed in SCAD, GDVX734: Typographic voice and visual narrative. I chose Lady Gaga as my inspiration, taking her life background as a clue. I select her states and feelings at different times as "phrases". Combine these phrases with a variety of different mediums, and incorporate typography into a real environment. Give the phrase a unique sound and visual narrative.

Project Overview:

When you think about Lady Gaga, your first impression is her incredible musical talent or unique fashion taste. You never know what her next look will be: dresses made of raw meat, jackets made of Kermit-the-Frogs, or just a beautiful black velvet. We can never find the right word to define Lady Gaga. This is also her most fascinating feature.

Thus, the combination of unrelated images in lady gaga's typography creates a strange sense of harmony. The world's rules and regulations have never restricted her, she is showing the world the charm of women's beauty; this is Lady Gaga in my heart.


Lady gaga's illness may be an essential turning point in her career. Her body suffered so much pain that she couldn't even get out of bed. In many interviews, Gaga described this time, saying, "I seem to be trapped and I unable to escape." To reflect this desperation, I placed the type in water, swirling freely with the current, in a small, In closed space, I hope to reflect the helplessness and pain of Gaga in this way.


The gaga once said: fashion is my armor, however, I wrap myself in my outfit. Every gorgeous dress is like an airtight plastic bag that wraps up the real gaga. The plastic bag is fragile and not aggressive, but by placing our heads in it, we will not be able to breathe. I embodied lady gaga's original attitude towards fashion in this way.


“When I had everything, I suddenly felt that everything was strange. It was as if I was in the middle of an ice cave. ”- Lady Gaga.

Through the combination of freezing and letters embodies Lady Gaga's state of mind at that time. It conveys the loneliness of "being in a high place".

“The Fame”


live life “過日子” _ Exhibition Concept Design, Brand Identity


"PHARMACY" _ Brand Identity, Packaging Design