
  • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Figma, Rhino, Keyshot

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it is full of challenges as well. It is usual for expectant moms and dads to experience ups and downs when expecting a baby. It's pretty common for couples to have arguments every now and then during pregnancy. Conexión is a lifestyle to enlighten couples on how to show their love and make each other happy.

Problem Statement

Some expectant moms and dads have arguments now and then during pregnancy due to a lack of understanding and have hard times coping with their life changes.

Opportunity Statement

A detecting device and app that helps couples have a closer connection during the pregnancy process by detecting unusual health conditions. In addition, Conexión provides an opportunity to guide couples to share more joys and memories

Responsive interface design

Digital Solution

Conceptual watch design

Physical Solution

Market Trend

As the pregnancy progresses, the woman may experience significant emotional changes and mood swings that could lead to an argument with the partner. These five aspects are the most critical aspects to influence the relationship during pregnancy.

Competitive Analysis



User Journey Map

Design System

Color, Buttons, Typography, Input Fields, User Flow, Wireframe, Hi-fi Interface

User Flow


Systematic design

Distinguishing target users by designing two sets of interfaces. It helps users to receive appropriate content based on their roles in the relationship so that the design guides users to stand at another’s perspective. Resulting in more empathy for each gender



Our Goals, Areas for improvement, The next step


To improve the couple's negative relationship during the wife's pregnancy. To allow couples to scientifically understand the physical and psychological changes in women during the different stages of pregnancy, thus deepening the empathy of the husband towards his wife. To allow fathers to better participate in the process of conceiving life. Conexión is a way of life that enlightens couples on how to express their love and make each other happy.

Areas for improvement

Further user testing could make the user process even better. With a more extensive project scope, it would be valuable to conduct in-depth A/B testing, and we could get more data to help us make more informed design decisions consistent with the project goals.

For the physical product watch, there are many areas where further improvements and breakthroughs can be made. For example, technical issues.

The next step

Take into account individual differences and differences in different cultures. Hopefully, it will connect users with different cultures, backgrounds, and worldviews.


SCAD X Snap-onCollaboration Class