SCADPro X Snap-on

  • Colleen Hua, Ella Reisinger, Juli Lopez- Castillo, Olivia Zhang, Raygun Jones, Vicky Song, Yilin Ke

  • Visualization & Graphic lead, Researcher, Book Design, Web Visual Design, Final Prototype

  • Miro, Figma, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Adobe Photoshop (PS), Adobe Indesign (ID), Adobe Aftereffect (AE)

During the summer of 2021, our team was putting together to work for Snap-on Incorporated, the highly successful tool manufacturing company that has been around for more than 100 years. We are responsible for celebrating the 100th anniversary of the company and its makers and fixers by sharing the stories of the makers and restorers in an interactive, engaging, empathetic, multi-platform way.

Project Overview:

  • Create a book highlighting makers and fixers who work at Snap-on manufacturing (Graphic Design work)

  • Improve and refine the current Makers and Fixers website.

  • Develop a new online community to strengthen the connection between the brand and consumers.

  • Create a new logo for Makers & Fixers’ website.

What Are The Problems?

Our team was responsible for delivering a new online community website to solve the following problems.

Our Solutions

What we achieved

Final Delivery

New Makers & Fixers Website

Upgrading Snap-on Makers & Fixers' website in response to customer requests from the visual system, layout, interaction style, etc.


  • A chaotic visual system caused the overall website to be old-school (using too many fonts resulting in an unclear hierarchy)

  • Diversity of colors, long time preview easy to produce visual fatigue.

  • The presentation of the photo gallery does not accurately highlight each user, resulting in a visually crowded.

  • The interaction is not friendly enough ( the page is too long and not divided, so it is difficult for users to find their stories)


  • Simple and modern visual system. Add prize areas to enhance user engagement.

  • Add area division and search, users can quickly select their area from the map.

  • Present pictures and text information in a board format instead of a picture gallery. Make each information more clear and focused.

  • Add keyword search, so that users can quickly find friends with the same interests as their own.

Innovation Network

Based on several weeks of research. We have designed a more comprehensive customer community website. Here, Fixers & Makers (customers) have more practical activities, such as learning about the latest brand news, finding discounted products, exchanging project experiences with their peers, etc. A series of sections to engage and interact with customers, thus increasing their sense of belonging to the company.

Sign In

Once the customer has signed in for the first time, the site can better record the customer's preferences and personal information. It will be presented on the customer's home page. Enhance the customer's sense of belonging to the company

Pick interest area

The customer can generate a personalized homepage based on the area of interest chosen by the customer. This allows the customer to avoid useless information and increase efficiency during the preview of the website.

Home Page

  • A strong visual identity that reflects Snap-on's brand voice.

  • Individual personal information presentation to convey the empathy of the company.

  • Simple and direct functional division to help customers better select effective information.

Featured Projects

The Featured Projects showcase some of the most challenging, exciting, and enjoyable works worldwide. For more information about each project, you can click on the images below.

Share & Grow

In this section, users with common interests and topics spontaneously share experiences and knowledge, solve problems and learn from each other, enhancing the community's connection. Click the button below to explore more questions and answers.

Share Story

Participate in Snap-on's 100th-anniversary celebration by sharing photos and your story for a chance to win rewards.

Tool Tips

In the Snap-on Tool Tips, we explore some of the professional processes for using the tools and make them easy to access, allowing the tools to operate more efficiently and maximize your productivity.

Exclusive Discounts

Users obtain points by attending community activities and then exchange the points for additional discounts or better member benefits.

Design Process

How did we get here?


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