We’ll Shop

  • Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Miro, Keyshot, Rhino

Nowadays, online grocery shopping has become a popular trend. People's grocery shopping experience has not been improved by only providing a few images and descriptions of items. We are hoping to establish a better connection between store and customer. We aim to provide a new shopping experience to achieve customer satisfaction using our latest technologies. By naming We’ll shop, we are helping users to improve the shopping experience by using our product. We hope to bring a positive relationship between the grocery store and customers.

Why we do "We'll shop"

The idea came during COVID-19. Customers tend to buy groceries from online platforms instead of going to local stores. This significant shift indeed brings a safer shopping experience during the pandemic. However, it did not go smoothly in the transition from offline to online. During that time, we were thinking about how we could improve accuracy during online shopping. Since the influence of the pandemic is fading away. Now we are looking at the bigger picture, which is enhancing the online shopping experience for the customer.

Nowadays, consumers tend to buy groceries from online platforms instead of going to local stores. Meanwhile, the current shopping experience is not meeting the buyers' requirements. As a result, online buyers' desires are not fulfilled due to the gap between physical and digital experiences.

Opportunity Statement

Problem Statement

To create a better solution that will allow greater shopping experience, accessibility, and efficiency for online shopping customers when purchasing grocery items online.

Immersive Shopping Environment

Customers can check the variety and freshness of fruits and vegetables in today's grocery store through the shelf camera set up on the overhanging beam of the grocery store. Customers can get an immersive shopping experience without leaving home

VR glasses: further enhancing reality

Three gas tanks are attached with the glass to simulate the natural flavors in the grocery store. The users can use it as a reference to purchase or pick the items they need based on the smell of the glasses.

Design Process

How Did We Get There?

Research Matrix

Survey Question Structure

Affinitization Map

User Personas


User Journey Map

We made every component of the system to make a full-featured design system to ensure scalability, flexibility, and consistency of the platform

Design System


We'll shop covey a new online grocery shopping experience for people. Our brand voice reflects this as friendly, fresh, joyful, and simple! This leads to our logo, which captures people's attention through a simple combination of letters. The colors come from the perceived representation of freshness, orange, and green. Of course, these are also our brand colors. Notice the little bit of green? It is both a symbol and more like a drop of fresh fruit. It also better conveys the two meanings of the brand name: WE will shop & well shopping experience!



User Flow


Our Goals

To enhance the existing user experience of grocery shopping at home and create a new immersive grocery e-shopping experience.Combine the internet with products (VR glasses) to make online grocery shopping more than just previewing photos, but to allow customers to see the freshness of ingredients and smell them. Breaking the concept of two-dimensional online shopping.

Next Steps

Work with experts to overcome technical issues such as AR/VR

Balance the privacy protection issues that arise from having live cameras in grocery stores.

Market exploration and actively seek out practicable grocery store partnerships

Areas for improvement

We'll Shop is an idealistic exploration of the future structure of online grocery shopping. There are many technical issues to overcome. Even though VR systems have been widely used in recent years, there are still problems with this technology (e.g., economic costs). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct the next step of practical testing as well as user testing to ensure a better user process. With a larger project scope, it would be valuable to conduct in-depth A/B testing to make more informed design decisions that align with project goals.


SCAD X Snap-onCollaboration Class


YUMYUM: Ai Chatbot (Coming Soon.....)